The Advantages of Dental Milling

The Advantages of Dental Milling

When you are looking to get a smile makeover, it can be difficult to decide which procedure is right for you. A dental milling procedure is one that uses rotary instruments with grinding and cutting blades to take off small amounts of tooth structure, smoothing and polishing in the process. Learn more about why this procedure could be something you want to consider when finding a new smile.

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What is Dental Milling?

Dental milling is a process in which a tooth is ground down to remove decay and smooth the surface. It's an effective way to improve your smile and reduce sensitivity. The procedure is also highly cost-effective compared to other dental procedures, including dental implants.

Benefits of Dental Milling

Dental milling is a technique that removes large amounts of tooth enamel, leaving behind large cavities. The cavity does not usually grow in thickness, however. Instead, the material around the cavity pulls it inward so that it becomes smaller and smaller until it no longer causes any pain. This is a relatively simple procedure that can be done with little to no anesthetic and little to no additional cost beyond what you might pay for your tooth-cleaning appointments.

When Should I Use a Dental Mill

Dental milling is a process that uses a rotating abrasive head to remove small amounts of tooth structure at a time. This process can be used for removing enamel and soft tooth tissue, such as the roots of teeth. It can also be used to reshape and smooth the edges of crowns, bridges, veneers, or dental implants.


Over the past few years, dental milling has taken off in popularity because of its significant and proven benefits. While it is possible to achieve the same results with less expensive equipment, many dentists claim that dental milling is much more efficient and effective than traditional methods, such as toothbrushes.